If you ever thought you could logically come to reason your way into the the existence of God, you might want to think again. The logical proof of God is not anything new, it's been a topic of discussion and debate for centuries.
Some people say they can't believe in God because they cannot wrap their mind around something they cannot see or understand.
Let's take Covid-19 for example. Although I don't see it and can't fully wrap my mind around how it works, I'm sure we can all say we believe in the existence of the coronavirus.
But one might say, "You can't compare the two.... you can obviously SEE the effects of the coronavirus."
Yep! And I'm here to say that you can also SEE the effects of God in the entire universe as well. God is constantly at work in the world, he is alive and active in his creation.
But let's go back to Covid-19. Would it surprise you if I said there are millions of people who believe that the coronavirus isn't real and it's simply, "a hoax?" As preposterous as that may seem, there are many people who deny the existence of Covid-19.
But no matter how obvious it may seem, there will always be people who don't believe because they either cannot see it, or cannot understand it. That's exactly why Jesus says in John 20:24-29 "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Ultimately, our belief in God is not achieved by proofs or logical deduction. It is only achieved by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Lane Tipton in his book Revelation and Reason gives a very good explanation and I hope this may be of some help to you in your own journey.
"Logic, like all else save God, is created. All things created are absolutely, totally, and completely subsumed under their Creator and, by definition, never equal to him. Logic (like light, for example) may reflect the character of its Creator but cannot be said to be above him (in the sense of being in any way superior to him); nor does it, in and of itself constrain him, which brings us to one of the fundamental problems in rationalistic thought.
Whenever the word logic is debated or used in a rationalistic context, it is used without reference to the fundamental difference between human logic and God's thoughts. Those who exalt logic as Lord of the mind fail to distinguish between the Lord and logic. When it is said that even God cannot square a bona fide contradiction, we must ask if a bona fide contradiction is contradictory for man, or for God, or for both. If it is a contradiction for man, what criterion will we use to prove that it is contradictory for God as well? Is everything that man proves contradictory ipso facto contradictory for God also? Just because man is unable to resolve a contradiction does not mean that God has the same inability.
Let's assume for the sake of argument that God has logic as one of his attributes. Would this mean that God has the need to analyze and evaluate reality and himself in order to understand it? Would we say that God needs logic in order to distinguish himself from all else? If so, then his logic is of a temporal rather than eternal necessity, since there was a time when "all else" was nothing. How can an infinite eternal God make use of a tool designed to facilitate the thinking process?
This is not to say that God is in any way irrational or inconsistent with himself. It is only to say that "rationality" in God and "logic" in God mean that he is consistent with who he is, not with some exterior principle that determines his consistency."
I hope that many will come to know God, not through logical deduction and rationality, but by faith alone! Sola fide
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